Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Please help!!! Buy this great book by Stephanie Rowe, DARKENESS AWAKENED

Friends, I need your help! You've heard of cash mobs? It's where a group of people get together and show support for a local store. By each spending a few dollars the store gets a ton of help and is hopefully better able to take on the big guys. Please help me do an internet cash mob for a great author. Stephanie Rowe is trying diligently to continue her very successful career by self-publishing her books. Her newest paranormal romance, DARKNESS AWAKENED, is now available on most sites that sell eBooks (definitely on Amazon and B&N). Please help her out by purchasing this book (even if it's not your genre)!  They are only available in eBook formats but you can read Kindle or nook books on your computer or cell phone by downloading a small app.
p.s. read closely and you'll see my name in the credits ;-)

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